What do I want?

Why is it difficult for you to understand?
I remember not of demanding the mountains to be moved
or wanting the moon and stars
Never did I also wish for your 24X7
All I want is;
Only two minutes of you –
smiling while talking to me
being silly with me
laughing listening to me.
Only two minutes of you –
thinking of me
imagining me.
Only two minutes of you –
being you with me.
Only two minutes of you!

What do I want

7 thoughts on “What do I want?

  1. A lovely read- thanks for sharing! Absolutely loved it and it is so true. Not a lot needs to be done to make a girl happy ๐Ÿ™‚ Would really appreciate it if you would take a look at my most recent post as i could do with some advice! Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ Bethx

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